
Meow Gear Solid VR

A short, sweet stealth action game in Virtual Reality (VR), putting you in the boots of a cat infiltrating the base of the canine regime on Shadow Meowsis Island. Remember to use items, duck behind covers, and carefully plan your moves around the dog’s sightlines. Your mission? Destroy the nuclear-equipped cat-destroying weapon known as "Meow Gear."

Created by: Alec Urbany, Tyler Jones, Ngoc Chau Nguyen, Aidan Sanders, Bill Li, Ethan Pan

Intergalactic Ranger

Intergalactic Ranger is a space adventure game where you are a lone spaceman tasked with cleaning up space junk. With your new state-of-the-art web-shooting gun and jetpack, you can maneuver around space to swing the trash into the blackhole core.

Created by: Dhruvi Choksi, Vinh Pham, Carson Green, Jibriel Ustarz

Balls, Bridges, and Buildings

Balls, Bridges, and Buildings is a game that aims to test the player’s structural engineering skills. They must build a free-standing structure able to transport a ball from one point to another. Support struts are designed to mimic real-life physics, and their joints will bend under weight or even break off if too much force is applied. Thus, players must consider how weight loads will be distributed on their structure.

Created by: Joshua Lai, Kien Nguyen, Aidan Sanders


A tower defense game with a VR twist. The towers are constructed using blueprint placed around the map. Enemies will spawn in waves and attempt to reach the end.

Created by: Ian Norman, Katelyn Mijares, Michael Phu, Jesse Chu, Owen Lovett

Object-based Physics Simulator

An interactive physics playground that allows the user to interact with various objects. Users can pick up, throw and destroy objects as well as traverse through a short level.

Created by: Alan Le, Alex Machorro, Ava Vazquez

Bemo Bounty Hunter

Bemo Bounty Hunter is a VR game that simulates an underwater environment. As the player, your goal is to find and catch Bemo, the capture target, with your net. The game features three levels with increasing difficulties and multiple different endings.

Created by: Joshua Barrientos, Kayte Chien, Rebecca Lee

Drone Training Simulator

A virtual reality simulation that allows the user to fly a drone in simulated real-life environments and weather conditions. The player will be able to navigate through maps based on real world locations, practice flying under specific weather conditions, and receive feedback based on specific regulations that the player needs to follow.

Created by: Grecia Alvarado, Daniel Appel, Estefania Chavez, Laurence Garcia, Samantha Macaraniag, Devon Mamawag, Rida Siddiqui

Cyber Security Training

This game is a cyber-security simulation training game that plays scenarios, so they know how to prevent getting scammed from the dangers of social engineering. The game consists of different scenes with each of them teaching a specific lesson on phishing, tailgating, etc

Created by: Viswadeep Manam, Ryan Trinh, Viet Nguyen, Andrew Kim, Steven Nguyen, Kennedy Janto, Alvan Zhuang

Godot VR Tech Demo

The player traverses a large environment by teleporting and creating mobile platforms for the player to stand on. The player must deactivate a reactor core by pulling 3 switches.

Created by: Nathan Brown, Farhan Hussain, Byungchul Kang, Jibriel Ustarz

Automata Rabbits

A game about catching rabbits in a maze. The maze represents a Finite State Automaton. Each rabbit follows a path through the maze according to the rules of the FSA and their assigned name. The player must figure out how the FSA works in order to catch each rabbit, and return them to the start.

Created by: Christopher Tomes, Jason Rowley, Alec Urbany, Emily Perez

The Labyrinth of Pushdown

This game is intended to act as a teaching aid to help visualize pushdown automata. The automaton is portrayed as a large maze. Each room represents a state, and there are hallways in between them which represent transitions. The player will act as the active state, moving around the maze. While navigating, they must adhere to the rules established by the pushdown automaton (they are only able to take a transition if they have the corresponding value on the top of their stack). Each time they transition to a new state, the corresponding symbol/string of symbols is written to their sword. By the time they reach the accepting state, they will have written a valid string for the language upon their sword. They will then be taken to a short quiz level, asking them to identify the language of the PDA they just traversed.

Created by: Joshua Lai, Isaac Diaz, Alex Gomez, Daniel Gruhn

Purrfect Pizza

Purrfect Pizza is a virtual reality cooking simulation game meant to help teach the concept of the pumping lemma for regular languages in CS 3110, Formal Languages and Automata. This concept states that all strings or words of a sufficient length in a regular language may have a middle section of the string repeated an arbitrary number of times to produce a new string that is also part of the language. The game aims to create a fun, gamified demonstration of the essential concepts of the pumping lemma. This is accomplished by different cooking behaviors from the sous chefs as well as the ingredients needed to finish a pizza.

Created by: Anita Mehrazarin, Brandon Moya, Gaia Dennison, Janet Cho, Marty Scott, Thongsavik Sirivong


You are facing off King Blobert III, a self-identifying slime supremacist that wishes to reign terror amongst the citizens of this fine town. You, as the hero and savior of Slimeville, Snowtown, will be facing off King Blobert III in a dueling battle where the strongest and smartest will come out victorious. The victor that comes out on top will ultimately decide the fate of Slimeville.

Created by: Aaron Do, Robert Balatbat, Theodore Tran, Ryan Yan

The player starts in a wide open field with a few carnival tents. Each carnival tent navigates to a separate carnival game. Available carnival games include balloon pop, ring toss, shooting gallery, whack-a-mole, and bowling.

Created by: Josh Barrientos, Kyle Townsend, Jenny Lee, Shane Dirksen, Kyle Ullum


A virtual reality simulation game centered around catching bugs. The player is equipped with a net for catching various types of bugs. The player can keep bugs to show off or sell them for money to buy upgrades that’ll help them throughout the game.

Created by: Van Huynh, Tran Nguyen, Nathan Brown, Kenneth Shuto

THE ANIMA AUTOMATA is a game made to teach Deterministic Finite Automata (DFAs). The player must defeat enemies by attacking them using the sword and shield. Each enemy has their own DFA, and each attack changes the state.

Created by: Lorenzo Cabrera, Kayte Chien, Rebecca Lee, Justin Rebollar


This project allows users to learn different yoga poses through interactive learning with a VR yoga instructor.

Created by: Lynn Nguyen, Kim Ngan Nguyen, Kimberlyn Krishnan

Sorting Algorithms Animated

This project is a visual demonstration of sorting algorithms which can be viewed in Augmented Reality. The user is tested on different steps and properties of those algorithms.

Created by: Derek Yee, Diana Choi


This project tests users by having them create molecules and compounds from the Periodic Table of Elements using Augmented Reality.

Created by: Bryan Lee, Joshua Chen, Steven Chan

Newton's Pinball

This project showcases the forces of physics acting on a pinball machine.

Created by: C. Fortino Flores, Jeffrey McDonald

Combination and Permutation

This project tests users on their understanding of combinations and permutations by having them solve puzzles to escape trapped rooms.

Created by: Justin Tsai, Nam Huynh, Justen Minamitani


This project simulates a scenario in which the user is caught in the middle of a wildfire to see what courses of action the user takes.

Created by: Donovan Rush, Ismail Abbas

Dijkstra's Maze Solver

This project is an Augmented Reality Maze Solver that uses depth-first search to randomly generate a maze, and Dijkstra's algorithm to solve the created maze.

Created by: Taeten Prettyman, Phillip Kasteiner, Jaeseung Lee, David Escobedo

Data Structures

This project helps students learn Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues by visualizing the properties and functions of these data structures.

Created by: Je'Don Carter, Zachary Rank

Red Dwarf

This is a game in which the player must survive the onslaught of alien armadas by shooting down waves of alien ships while navigating through an asteroid field.

Created by: Kyle Turchik, Colin Trotter, John Vincent Canalita, Jeremy Kleve, Rocky Qiu, Mirza Hasan Baig, Zach Yun

Break Time

This is a game in which the player must break as many household items as possible within a short period of time.

Created by: N/A

Logic Gates

This project helps students visualize and learn basic computer logic gates and component. Users can also create their own circuits to make more complex devices like a decoder or multiplexer.

Created by: Je'Don Carter, Zachary Rank

Rubix's Cube

This project is a simulation of a rubik’s cube designed for VR platforms with competition and speed-cubing being influential on the application.

Created by: Steven Turner, Victor Ruiz, Ryan Woyshner, Feng Xie

About Us

In computer science, imagine if you could literally grab the computer code and interact with it in your hand. Imagine how your perception of the knowledge would change. Recently a new device within computer science has been created that will allows us to do this by immersing ourselves in alternate realities called Virtual Reality (a complete immersion) or Augmented Reality (a partial immersion). These virtual worlds will allow students to step inside a computer. Visually see and interact with code as it is translated within the computer or show how information is transmitted across the globe and shared on the World Wide Web. The technology and tools for this level of learning is available now and by allowing the students to showcase their knowledge they can create and show the world of computers and code in ways we never imagined.

The CPP Virtual Reality Lab, directed by Professor Mohammad Husain and co-directed by Professor Nima Davarpanah, aims to apply virtual and augmented reality to the domain of education to enhance student learning. The director and co-directors  can be reached at  and

VR Lab

Lab Directors

Mohammad Husain

Nima Davarpanah

Lab Assistants 2017-2018

Jedon Roc Carter

Lab Assistants 2018-2019

Justin Tsai

Nam Huynh

Justen Minamitani

Lab Assistant 2021-2022

Aaron Do

Lab Assistant 2022-2023

Christopher Tomes

Lab Assistant 2023-2024

Alvan Zhuang

Former Co-Director 2021-2024

Dr. Markus Eger


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